Get your groove back on
I have a great job. This is something I've known for quite a while, but today, it really sunk in. I have a fabulous job.
As a mom and significant other, I often lose sight of my own sensuality and femininity. My 'groove' gets lost in the mountain of laundry, in the day-to-day chores and seemingly never ending to-do list. I know that I'm not alone. Most of my clients will agree that on a day to day basis, they too have misplaced their 'groove'.
Through the portraits I provide to my clients, I have the honor of helping these wonderful ladies rediscover their 'groove'. Their beauty, their grace and sense of sensuality.
I recently received this note of thanks, "OOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I love, love, love the cd with my photos! You have made me feel so special and so empowered! Thank you.... a million times over!!!!!"
I have a fabulous job!