She said she'd been following my site for two years

... when she finally gathered the courage to just book her session. She'd also mentioned that she wanted to get to know me a bit more through my blog.


I'll admit to being a horrible blogger. Even more so in the past twelve months as I'd been dealing with a pesky case of cancer. Excuses aside, I find blogging somewhat painful and will find 1,001 other things that require my attention in order to avoid this bloggity-blog. It's sad. I know.

Moving forward. I'm trying.  Really and truly! 


Anyway, my point is this, I'm a bad blogger and if you are considering a session and are curious about the process feel free to call the studio and schedule a consultation. You'll be able to sneak a peek into the lavish studio, peruse through album samples and have a pleasant conversation. It won't hurt, I promise.


Petra Herrmann